The plight of the Sudanese deserves our attention

Sudan needs assistance from the international community—and it needs it very quickly.

2h ago

Inflation eating into daily meals

Authorities must address skyrocketing food prices

3h ago

Monitor groundwater to manage it better

Climate impact on groundwater and solutions

7h ago




Has DU admin turned into a PR agency for the ruling party?

One can argue that DU has lost its inherent structural identity and characteristics as a democratic and free institution for learning and research

Opinion / Could 2024 mark the end of crony economy and captive politics?

Politics has been captured by the nexus of an oligopoly of business interests and the willingly colluding political class.

Scientific breakthroughs of 2023

The astounding discoveries made by scientists in the fields of cosmology, nuclear energy, medicine, cancer and artificial intelligence are poised to profoundly impact our lives

In Focus

In Focus

121st Birth Anniversary of Poet Jasim Uddin / Jasim Uddin’s 1971

There has not been much research on to what extent the shadow of 1971 has been reflected in Bangla literature.

Climate change and unplanned development are creating a new set of damaging risks

The Daily Star (TDS): Congratulations on being honored with the prestigious 2023 AXA IM Research Award. We are eager to learn more about the specific accomplishments that led to this recognition and the impactful work for which you are being celebrated.

Bengal’s Fishermen: Through War, Famine and Partition

The fishermen communities of Bengal were diverse with regional variations. Apart from Malos, Kaibartas, Bagdis, and Pods, the numerically significant fishermen sub-castes, there were many other smaller and localized communities involved in fishing.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Trapped in a never-ending scroll?

Breaking free from the cycle of excessive consumption requires awareness.

When will the government learn from past dengue outbreaks?

We even have our own experts repeatedly giving warnings ahead of the dengue season, and every year, they fall on deaf ears.

Plug the brain drain

As a developing country, Bangladesh is a victim of brain drain.

Views Multimedia

Views Multimedia

Tackling the causes behind fire incidents

Dr Syeda Sultana Razia speaks to The Daily Star Opinion regarding the causes behind frequent fires and some possible solutions. 

Our reality versus government's narrative

Why is there so much difference between the reality of common people and that which the government wants to see or project?

Poor policy and market management have caused price hikes

Why is the government failing to manage the market as they should?

Sued under DSA, woman dies in Rab custody

According to family members, Rab said the 38-year-old Sultana Jasmine suffered a stroke in their custody, but her relatives insisted that she had no medical issues

Have we been able to establish a state different from Pakistan?

Through the Liberation War of 1971, the people of this region wanted to establish a state that would not be built in the model of Pakistan. Fifty-two years later, can we say we have achieved that goal?

Another bank falls by the wayside

National Bank’s plight is the result of poor banking governance

6d ago

Politics must not be a means to wealth accumulation

TIB review of the affidavits of candidates paints a worrying picture of politics

6d ago

Resolutions for 2024

Eating less and battling calories have been pains of the highest order. But little do we know that our minds have everything to do with our appetite.

6d ago

Rohingya refugees: Forsaken and forgotten

Rohingya refugees remain stuck in a limbo with no effective solution to the crisis in sight.

6d ago

Our child labour issue needs urgent attention

Immediate policy action is required in order to reverse this increase in child labour.

6d ago

Energy-poor Bangladesh and its transition obligations

There will be no short-term solution to Bangladesh's energy woes unless the economy and dollar inflow improve.

6d ago

Save Sutia river from rampant pollution

Authorities must set up dumping ground in Trishal municipality

1w ago

Anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and a cancelled exhibition

Anti-Semitism is defined as hostility or prejudice against Jewish people, while anti-Zionism opposes the movement to create a Jewish state and the occupation of Palestinian land.

1w ago

Forced voting to fool the world?

It is clear why Awami League is so desperate to make January 7, 2024 look like a genuine competition, without any real competitors.

1w ago

Why has combating dengue become a Herculean task?

Preventing dengue does not depend solely upon the activities of city authorities.

1w ago
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