New Year’s Eve without fire hazards? It’s more doable than you think.

When welcoming 2024, spare a thought for those with whom you share this space under the sky.

3d ago

Scientific breakthroughs of 2023

The astounding discoveries made by scientists in the fields of cosmology, nuclear energy, medicine, cancer and artificial intelligence are poised to profoundly impact our lives

3d ago

A New Year’s Message to US President Joe Biden

This letter is a message on behalf of 15 million people who, despite being subjected to the worst kind of horrors taking place in recent history, still fight for freedom, peace and justice.

3d ago

Explaining the potential exodus of funds from Bangladesh

The mismatch highlighted by the IMF could indicate that capital flight in FY23 has increased even more.

3d ago

Can a free, fair election liberate us from depraved politics?

Can we really believe that this election, regardless of which side wins, offers us any real choice or hope for things to get better?

3d ago

We must give our expatriates due recognition

Bangladesh has become one of the fastest-growing economies, heavily fuelled by remittance,

4d ago

The most 'memorable' comments of 2023

Throughout 2023, we have had the "privilege" of hearing a series of controversial comments from our public figures, mainly politicians.

4d ago

Voters without choice are just glorified dummies

You’ve already met the dummy candidates, aka independents. Now, meet dummy voters.

4d ago

How well did we play in 2023?

In the world of sports, Bangladeshi women’s and men’s teams for cricket and football have had an eventful year.

5d ago

2023 was the year of inflation

In Bangladesh, 2023 was the year of inflation.

5d ago
push notification