Tasneem Tayeb


A closer look

Rohingya refugees: Forsaken and forgotten

Rohingya refugees remain stuck in a limbo with no effective solution to the crisis in sight.

6d ago

Silencing the messengers: Israel’s deliberate killing of journalists in Gaza

To coerce journalists into docility, Israel is also killing their families.

2w ago

Israel's endgame in Gaza is complete depopulation

if Israel’s target is Hamas resistance fighters, then why is it punishing the civilians in Gaza, and forcing them further towards the sea?

3w ago

How the US is arming Israel's genocide in Gaza

US weapons, provided with visible enthusiasm to the Israeli occupation forces, are being used to commit war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

4w ago

The lost children of Gaza

There is a generation of children growing up in Gaza without family, without love, without limbs, without food, without education, without basic human rights, in unspeakable depravity, scarred by the trauma of war.

For sustainable Rohingya repatriation, citizenship and security are must

A 30-member Myanmar delegation—during their recent visit to Cox’s Bazar—failed to make any commitment to the refugees regarding their request for repatriation to their original homes

Suppressing freedom of expression will not change Palestine’s truth

The world is witnessing the Gaza genocide in real time despite Israel causing blackouts

Gaza siege: Western media bias and crumbling public trust

There is little possibility of people buying self-censored, biassed and curated content.

December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Rohingya refugees: Forsaken and forgotten

Rohingya refugees remain stuck in a limbo with no effective solution to the crisis in sight.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Silencing the messengers: Israel’s deliberate killing of journalists in Gaza

To coerce journalists into docility, Israel is also killing their families.

December 13, 2023
December 13, 2023

Israel's endgame in Gaza is complete depopulation

if Israel’s target is Hamas resistance fighters, then why is it punishing the civilians in Gaza, and forcing them further towards the sea?

December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023

How the US is arming Israel's genocide in Gaza

US weapons, provided with visible enthusiasm to the Israeli occupation forces, are being used to commit war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023

The lost children of Gaza

There is a generation of children growing up in Gaza without family, without love, without limbs, without food, without education, without basic human rights, in unspeakable depravity, scarred by the trauma of war.

November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023

For sustainable Rohingya repatriation, citizenship and security are must

A 30-member Myanmar delegation—during their recent visit to Cox’s Bazar—failed to make any commitment to the refugees regarding their request for repatriation to their original homes

November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023

Suppressing freedom of expression will not change Palestine’s truth

The world is witnessing the Gaza genocide in real time despite Israel causing blackouts

October 21, 2023
October 21, 2023

Gaza siege: Western media bias and crumbling public trust

There is little possibility of people buying self-censored, biassed and curated content.

October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023

Israel’s hubris will be its undoing

The increasing ferocity of Israeli attacks will only garner further support for Palestine.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Smart Bangladesh, unsmart cybersecurity measures

In the recent case, the entire profile of an individual could be obtained from the Telegram channel by just providing two inputs: the NID number and the date of birth.

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