Guidelines for Op-Eds and letter submissions

The Daily Star Opinion welcomes your submissions on issues which are relevant, timely and of public interest. If you want to submit an article or pitch an idea for an article for the page, please read the following guidelines first:

Opinion pieces

To submit an article for consideration for the opinion section, email it to us at [email protected]


For publication in our regular newspaper op-ed pages, we accept submissions on timely, well-researched opinion pieces and essays.

Your article must be below 1,000 words and be emailed to us as an attachment (.doc or .docx format).

Please mention the name of the source of information and/or include hyperlinks for the data/information that you use in your article. 

Please include a picture of the author and a one sentence biography of who the writer is/does. For guest authors: Please send an updated CV for our verification process.

For articles pertaining to special national and international days or commemoration of events, please submit the article at least a week in advance so that we may be able to let you know if we are publishing it.

After submission, please allow us 5-7 days to respond. If your piece is selected, we will certainly get back to you. We try to respond to each submission, but if you do not hear back from us within 5-7 days, please feel free to submit your article elsewhere.

You may submit your article for consideration in other newspapers, as long as you notify The Daily Star if your piece has been selected elsewhere.

The Daily Star provides a modest honorarium for articles published in print. The bills are prepared at the end of each month. If your piece has been published, please contact [email protected] after the end of the month of publication for further details.


We also accept articles for publication on the Opinion page on our website as Online Exclusive. Ideally, these pieces should be shorter - below 800 words.

Letters to the editor

For letters to the editor, published in our Editorial page in print, send them to [email protected]. The letters should be between 100 and 200 words.

Please send the letters as attachments (.doc or .docx) or in the body of the email. Please do not send a pdf. Sometimes, the letter may need to be shortened, so if there's a crucial part that you want to keep, highlight that portion.

Please do not send press releases. They will be deleted without being opened.

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