Rad Sharar Bin Kamal

Do spelling mistakes matter?

The significance of spelling might seem like a trivial concern. As a nation, we have become forgiving of these slip-ups, perhaps too forgiving. A 2002 study about this phenomenon found that readers did negatively judge authors’ intelligence when spelling mistakes were present in the text.

3d ago

So, you are a CEO? It’s time to create a personal brand

Personal brands are the hardest to control, and naturally the most rewarding. People’s associations, beliefs, feelings, sentiments, attitudes, and expectations make up what you mean to them. All of which are incredibly difficult to get a grasp on. As they say, your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.

Too shy to brand yourself? Here are 4 reasons to build your personal brand

Personal branding is exactly like making sure your digital tools are super sharp. Not everyone has access to these tools; but the real question is: Are yours sharp enough to kill (land the opportunity)?

December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023

Do spelling mistakes matter?

The significance of spelling might seem like a trivial concern. As a nation, we have become forgiving of these slip-ups, perhaps too forgiving. A 2002 study about this phenomenon found that readers did negatively judge authors’ intelligence when spelling mistakes were present in the text.

November 12, 2023
November 12, 2023

So, you are a CEO? It’s time to create a personal brand

Personal brands are the hardest to control, and naturally the most rewarding. People’s associations, beliefs, feelings, sentiments, attitudes, and expectations make up what you mean to them. All of which are incredibly difficult to get a grasp on. As they say, your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.

September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023

Too shy to brand yourself? Here are 4 reasons to build your personal brand

Personal branding is exactly like making sure your digital tools are super sharp. Not everyone has access to these tools; but the real question is: Are yours sharp enough to kill (land the opportunity)?

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