She’s as real as my meandering/ As tangible as tinkering.
Once a homebody, nestled in its embrace. Now lost, a wanderer in a boundless space.
She doesn’t need an alarm For the last hour of the night.
Seven feet of mud swept water, /Bodies under rubble.
Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,/ The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt
Would it be too much to ask you/ To forgive me for the carnal sin I did not commit?
Crimson blood splattered amongst the ravaged lands
What makes You a boy, me a girl; Me a popper, you an Earl?
Self-confidence shaken, some shattered memories in their side bags
She’s as real as my meandering/ As tangible as tinkering.
Once a homebody, nestled in its embrace. Now lost, a wanderer in a boundless space.
Seven feet of mud swept water, /Bodies under rubble.
She doesn’t need an alarm For the last hour of the night.
Her Kohl-rimmed eyes, dangling earrings,/ The chiffon scarf, the satin silk shirt
Would it be too much to ask you/ To forgive me for the carnal sin I did not commit?
What makes You a boy, me a girl; Me a popper, you an Earl?
Crimson blood splattered amongst the ravaged lands
We’re still alive/ but they wanted to die a natural death
Self-confidence shaken, some shattered memories in their side bags