Nizamuddin Ahmed


The writer is a practising Architect at BashaBari Ltd., a Commonwealth Scholar and a Fellow, a Baden-Powell Fellow Scout Leader, and a Major Donor Rotarian.

Why we need proper fire safety plan for each building

Grenfel Tower in London was entrapped in the myth that a single staircase under mechanically-induced positive air pressure was safe for a 24-storey block of apartments.

Pelé: Unseeing is believing

The world is grieving for Pelé, one of its most gifted sons, who won the universe with his football skills.

When in Qatar, be a Qatari

In the days leading up to the greatest show on earth, miserably apt was the Bangla saying, "Jare dekhte nari, tar cholon banka."

Bangladesh stumped by ‘blind love’

Over-dependence on technology and partisan umpiring is casting a shadow over cricket

Hollow democracies make the most noise

Probably on account of my last two articles on Covid and dengue, someone thought I was a doctor.

Aedes-Manush Bhai-Bhai?

The annual meeting of the Nikhil Bangladesh Mosha (mosquito) Samity has been convened.

Rise in Covid cases: A lackadaisical lifestyle is hardly liberty

Mask usage has come down to five percent, my guess, well below the rate of infection.

Stealing the applause and appreciation

What could be the psyche behind this ugly practice of stealing the limelight despite having no intellectual, technical, moral or effective input in any of the 23 goals that our girls scored in Kathmandu?

August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022

A world in trouble, not just Bangladesh

Almost any major incident causes a ripple effect across the globe – a few ripples lasting longer and spreading further than the others.

June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022

Unusual power lust in modern West

After quenching their lurid lust for power and property, funded by slavery and wholesale loot for centuries, leaving behind a trail of torture, murder and injustice, Western colonialists began to spread the word of the holy books,

May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022

A nation bogged by pitiful pessimists

You have perhaps heard the tale of these two neighbours.

April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022

To dua or not to dua?

You get a surprise phone call, not all have to be pleasant. According to this gentleman, although his voice was unfamiliar, you met him 10 years ago.

February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022

The future doesn’t justify the past

In case you have felt the shivers recently, or sweated profusely, know that climate is not the only earthly element that has undergone change.

February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022

Can we all play nice, please?

With the third round of Covid surge, educational institutions in Bangladesh are once again subjected to an extended shutdown.

December 28, 2021
December 28, 2021

Launch fire tragedy: Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to fight a fire

My philosophy, after any tragic fire incident, is to forget it, and rather concentrate on similar conditions that pose threats in the future. Because the fact of the matter is, many potential killing machines are waiting in our waters.

December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021

The crisis of wastage

From my flat on the 5th floor, I could hear a beggar beseech anyone who would care to listen for alms.

November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021

The mirror speaketh the truth

On the sandy desert of Dubai and in the barren stretches of Abu Dhabi, it is ektur jonno difficult to connect bat with ball, to avoid wides and mokkhom good-length deliveries, and to hold on to a multiple loppa catches with both hands or to stop a boundary with your palm or your booted foot if you happen to speak in Bangla.

November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021

Guns, but more Roses

In case you have not noticed, climate is not the only manifestation that has changed drastically over the last decade. People have too.

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