Published on 09:20 PM, January 02, 2024

NCC Bank organises EGM

Md Abul Bashar, chairman of the National Credit and Commerce (NCC) Bank, presides over the 10th extraordinary general meeting, which has been held virtually today. Photo: NCC Bank

The National Credit and Commerce Bank has organised its 10th extraordinary general meeting (EGM) today.
Md Abul Bashar, chairman of the bank, presided over the meeting, which was held virtually, read a press release.
Bashar highlighted the bank's business progress and said that shareholders' equity, total assets and earnings per share were increasing gradually while cost of funds and net classified loans were decreasing.
"As a result, our progress reflects in credit ratings and also in CAMELS Rating," he said, adding that NCC Bank is continuously maintaining positive growth by ensuring transparency and accountability as well as using advanced technology and enhancing customer services.
Sohela Hossain, vice-chairman, Md Abdul Awal, director and ex-chairman, SM Abu Mohsin, ex-chairman and chairman of the executive committee, Tanzina Ali and Khairul Alam Chaklader, directors and ex vice-chairmen, Md Obayed Ullah Al Masud, independent director and chairman of the audit committee, and Meer Sajed-Ul-Basher, independent director, joined the meeting.
M Shamsul Arefin, managing director and CEO (current charge), and Md Monirul Alam, senior executive vice-president and company secretary, along with a number of shareholders were present.