Published on 12:05 AM, January 01, 2024

‘Let’s be a better version of ourselves’: Celebs share New Year's resolutions

Photos: Sheikh Mehedi Morshed and Collected

It seems like 2023 went by the blink of an eye – more so for the showbiz industry, which saw its ups and downs. Like any of us, celebrities are also looking to take the time to appreciate and reflect on the past year, to make their own New Year's resolutions. We talk to six of the biggest stars in the industry about what they will do this year.

Not just humans, but let's think about animals as well: Jaya Ahsan

I hope that everything negative will somehow be erased this year. I wish well for not just humans, but innocent animals as well – let them be safe and sound from any aggression. I want to be able to continue the work that I'm doing.

Love your country: Chanchal Chowdhury

May humanity win above all negativity. May the light touch all. Personally, I am always looking for new challenges on the work front. I also want to stand beside people and help them in whichever way I can. One message to the audience: Please be with good art, and also, love your country.

I try to reinvent myself all the time: Badhan

Every day, I try to enhance focus on myself, and the new year will only bring me incentive to do so even more. The present is what matters the most to me. I wish everyone the very best for 2024.

In 2023, I worked from the heart, this year I will be more calculative: Siam Ahmed

I can't complain, I've had a very happening year as an actor, I poured all my heart out into whatever I've done. However, in 2024, I want to work for myself and be more calculative in my approach. I want to continue experimenting with more types of roles.

The audience is everything to me, I wish them well: Mehazabien Chowdhury

The new year brings more incentive to pick out more good projects to bring under my repertoire. I can't even begin to say how grateful I am to them, and how they supported me. I am looking to do more of the same this year.

Don't want to make numbers the prime goal: Bidya Sinha Mim

This year, I've had a great time when it comes to films. However, I just don't want to measure my work with numbers – I want to ensure their quality as well. I want to work on both the silver screen and OTT.