In this fast-paced world, where our lives are ruled by desk jobs and the blue screens of computers seem to have become our best friend – back pain is not an uncommon ailment. Fortunately, certain daily habits can greatly relieve this discomfort. Here, we have highlighted 5 daily habits for a stronger and healthier back.
Rawan Ahmed Choudhury stood as Bangladesh’s sole representative at the PCA Thailand First Timer’s Show.
Nowadays, more and more research on the relationship between food and health is pointing to the fact that one's dietary choices have a major impact on skin health as they age. If you want to get a glowing skin, the following foods can help!
The month of November has a multitude of movements that are observed and celebrated, be that those movements are officially recognised or ones that we observe unofficially. One of these movements, and perhaps one of the most significant, is ‘Movember’. The entire month of November is recognised as ‘Movember’ and dedicated to raising awareness for men’s health.
The act of journaling is not merely putting pen to paper; it’s a gateway to self-discovery, a path to healing, and a way to navigate the bustling world with clarity and purpose. Journaling inspires creativity as a writer and a sense of self-acceptance, as one begins to see events and emotions from a different perspective. It also helps us rewrite our own narrative, once, twice, weekly, daily, until we find a story that empowers us; a story of learning and healing and growth.
It’s not enough to rely on pharmaceuticals to save us when we are sick. We need to make our constitutions strong through yoga and herbal supplements that have been known to help humans for centuries.
Yes, even if you snooze there (or in your comfy bed), you might still wake up feeling like you just wrestled a hawker to save just Tk 20. Why? Because, surprise, sleep and rest are as different as biriyani and polao — similar, but not quite the same.
Most people are unable to complete their weight loss journeys because of the gruelling mental and physical aspects involved in the process. There are just way too many blockers involved and at a certain point, our minds and bodies would naturally want to give in and give up. What if we told you that Sanam Reza has found a way to get past all of these blockers?
The world moves fast and so does our life. In our quest of reaching new heights and achieving new milestones, we are constantly overlooking a crucial element of life; sleep. We are not getting enough of it. Arguably the most important component of our overall wellbeing, not getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on both our physical and mental health.
Eid brings happiness to those who celebrate but of the two Eids, Eid ul Azha is the one that often leaves us with cuts and bruises. It does not matter how careful you are, people end up with wounds more often than not. Here is how you should prepare for first aid with Eid ul Azha in mind.
Jackfruit is a summer delight in this part of the world. Packed with nutrition the raw fruit is eaten as a vegetable; it is consumed as a ripe fruit; used to make pithas and other sweet dishes. Many include jackfruit in their summer diet, while others detest the taste and the smell. Be that as it may, jackfruit remains one of the richest sources of vitamins, minerals, and fibres.
While longer naps could be an early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, shorter naps are more and more being associated with larger total brain volume. This means that those daytime winks you love so much may actually protect against brain shrinkage as you age.
In a world where stress lurks around every corner and the obstacles of daily life start to weigh us down, taking care of our mental health has become more important than ever. While we often turn to various remedies and coping mechanisms, there is an alternative. Exercise! It has proven to relieve stress and give a sense of fulfilment and empowerment provided we are willing to invest our time into doing it.
From students to a man in his 60s planning his retirement, stress has become a common phenomenon in everyone’s lives. We all feel overwhelmed and disconnected from our own well-being as a result of the demands of work, family, and personal life.
Dengue fever and other severe dengue symptoms are the result of a viral illness spread by mosquito bites. Those infected with dengue often have a high temperature, headache, bodily pains, nausea, and rash. As the population of Aedes mosquitoes, which transmit the dengue virus, has surged in the early days of summer, medical professionals have warned that Bangladesh may have an even more severe outbreak of the disease in 2023 than in the previous years.
Humans make constant decisions due to their logical nature. Our choices range from simple to complex issues, such as what to eat for lunch to capital investment in a business. While we cannot be 100 per cent rational at all times, we mostly make logical decisions by weighing the pros and cons of each of our choices. That being said, we have developed some mental shortcuts known as cognitive biases to navigate and ease this decision-making process.
Researchers find that plastic materials in napkins and diapers take around 300 years to decompose in soil, which may lead to severe environmental consequences. But with increasing awareness and interventions in menstrual hygiene management across the country, the products in Bangladesh are slowly but surely changing. Their benefits are more long-lasting than the plastic products we have made ourselves complacent to.
In a world that takes pride in toughness and machoism, sensitivity is often mistaken for passiveness or weakness. In reality, however, this is a rare strength that runs the world, and given a nurturing environment, children with highly sensitive minds often enjoy certain advantages.