Geopolitical Insights

Geopolitical Insights

The plight of the Sudanese deserves our attention

Sudan needs assistance from the international community—and it needs it very quickly.

3h ago

The world wrapped in 2023

The biggest victim of this consequential year: democracy, and humanity.

1w ago

Christmas in Occupied Palestine: ‘Dreams buried under rubbles’

Archbishop Theodosius Atallah Hanna, Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem discusses the cruel reality in occupied Palestine during Christmas with Ramisa Rob of The Daily Star.

1w ago

Venezuela's invasion of Guyana: Maduro’s Hail Mary

Why, after all this time, is Maduro taking such a big gamble now?

2w ago

Modern 'Roads to Rome': From BRI and IMEC to Israel

India’s bridgehead Mideast role could also inflame future global relations.

2w ago

What Russian warships in Chattogram port tells us about great power competition in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has become a prime battleground for great power competition.

2w ago

Bangladesh-India relations: An increasingly complicated friendship

Both Bangladeshis and Indians need to understand that they need each other in order to thrive.

3w ago

How will the Pannun 'murder plot' affect India-US relations?

The Biden administration appears to be isolating the murder plot.

4w ago

What's wrong with the US response to the Gaza crisis

On October 18, US President Joe Biden travelled to Israel, offering support for its military operations in the Gaza Strip, despite growing global calls for a ceasefire.

Is there a prospect of peace under Netanyahu’s extremist government?

The prospects of peaceful resolution are far unless Israel is robbed off its fallback options.

Gaza bleeds: We must feel the pain

Today, we dedicate our opinion page to shed light on the ongoing tragedy that has befallen the people of Gaza. It is a plea for the world to bear witness to this devastating crisis and to recognize the urgent need for empathy, understanding, and assistance. The suffering of Gaza is not just a regional concern; it is a call to the collective conscience of humanity.

Bangladesh elections and China-India rivalry

In the upcoming election, if the ruling party emerges victorious, Chinese influence may strengthen even further.

‘The US will have to bypass India’s concern to ensure free and fair elections’

The US’s effort appears as the only effective mechanism that stands between vote rigging and the government.

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