

When the sky lights up

A special comic this week on Rising Stars

5d ago


Once a homebody, nestled in its embrace. Now lost, a wanderer in a boundless space.

6d ago

Life through the lens of an electricity pole

Today, I am covered in lines. Rust from the rain, and the occasional overflowing water from the drain paint my feet in unchangeable colours.

6d ago

Fiction / Fog beneath the winter skyline

The two friends grew up together playing cricket in the garage, watching Pokémon routinely at 6 PM on Cartoon Network at Zuhayer's flat, and chasing stringless kites.


Superheroes we need and deserve.

The After-chapter

With my memories remaining an unvisited dream, I woke up amidst the calm green meadow that gently held onto me.

Reader Submission / My Home

The trust you gain takes time. 

Fathers and Daughters and Unmailed Letters

Perhaps father was never taught to love.

Lady from Leo’s Dream

Leo had just finished his painting. He took a few steps away from the canvas to have a better look – a lady standing on a landscape with a pale smile.

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