
THE SHELF / 2023 in Review

Some of these works have inspected the complex lives of modern Bangalis while some have traced the contours of our past often not examined. Here’s your chance to read some of the releases of this year by Bangladeshi authors, if you haven’t read them yet. 

Life through the lens of an electricity pole

Today, I am covered in lines. Rust from the rain, and the occasional overflowing water from the drain paint my feet in unchangeable colours.

BOOK REVIEW: FICTION / A pleasant pool of magic I would happily drown in

What I loved most as a reader about her is that her strength was not displayed in the conventional ways that most fantasy books tend to use to depict a powerful woman.

FICTION / What’s in a name?

He had been practising saying his name out loud every night before going to sleep so that his ears remained accustomed to hearing his own name


The monsoons have passed. Moti has grown so healthy, so strong and so big that no other cocks even dare to be near him.

FICTION / Stargazing with the Bossanova man

“It’s a type of Brazilian music, this elevator is playing The Girl From Ipanema.”

TRIBUTE / The futuristic post-punk world of Izumi Suzuki

More than anything, Suzuki shows that the key to being an alien is not to be outlandish but to be sickeningly more human.

FICTION / The pond

She walked, entranced, into the water until it reached her chin, the wing of her little pink butterfly stuck out like a shark fin.

REFLECTIONS / Ink and memories: Revisiting the 'Anandamela' days

As a juvenile bibliophile, I used to see the copies as a delicate object greeting with utter care and affection.

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

2023 in Review

Some of these works have inspected the complex lives of modern Bangalis while some have traced the contours of our past often not examined. Here’s your chance to read some of the releases of this year by Bangladeshi authors, if you haven’t read them yet. 

December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023

Life through the lens of an electricity pole

Today, I am covered in lines. Rust from the rain, and the occasional overflowing water from the drain paint my feet in unchangeable colours.

December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023

A pleasant pool of magic I would happily drown in

What I loved most as a reader about her is that her strength was not displayed in the conventional ways that most fantasy books tend to use to depict a powerful woman.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

What’s in a name?

He had been practising saying his name out loud every night before going to sleep so that his ears remained accustomed to hearing his own name

December 16, 2023
December 16, 2023

Mr Moti

The monsoons have passed. Moti has grown so healthy, so strong and so big that no other cocks even dare to be near him.

December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023

Stargazing with the Bossanova man

“It’s a type of Brazilian music, this elevator is playing The Girl From Ipanema.”

December 13, 2023
December 13, 2023

The futuristic post-punk world of Izumi Suzuki

More than anything, Suzuki shows that the key to being an alien is not to be outlandish but to be sickeningly more human.

December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023

The pond

She walked, entranced, into the water until it reached her chin, the wing of her little pink butterfly stuck out like a shark fin.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Ink and memories: Revisiting the 'Anandamela' days

As a juvenile bibliophile, I used to see the copies as a delicate object greeting with utter care and affection.

December 5, 2023
December 5, 2023

Love, loss, and hope in Tehran

Overnight, the saffron summer afternoons and evenings of dreamy stargazing tumble into a tale of grief, guilt, and pain.

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