Bangladesh Liberation War 1971

Martyred Intellectuals Day / Relevance of Munier Choudhury’s thoughts on theatre

The relevance of Munier’s work today is owing to how he related with his language, Bangla.

Remembering shaheed Rumi

His name was Shafi Imam Rumi. Born on 29 March, 1951 Rumi was barely 20 years of age in 1971. This larger-than-life character is one of many who embraced martyrdom in their attempt to gift our precious freedom. Rumi had secured third position in the matriculation exam under the national education board in 1968. In 1971, he just got admitted to BUET (Engineering College at that time) and was already enrolled into IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). Just one flight and he could have been away from the war, but Shafi Imam Rumi chose not to.

Have we been able to establish a state different from Pakistan?

Through the Liberation War of 1971, the people of this region wanted to establish a state that would not be built in the model of Pakistan. Fifty-two years later, can we say we have achieved that goal?

52 Years of Bangladesh's Independence / The unfinished fight for people’s freedom

Bangladesh was supposed to be a country run by its people, but we are dangerously moving towards a country being run by a coterie.

52 years of independence / Stories that we tell ourselves

How should a nation memorialise its history?

The genocide of March 25 as a metaphor

Pakistan is the metaphor of everything Bangladesh doesn't want to be.

Snapshots from 1971

On this day in 1971, Bangladesh was liberated from the Pakistan occupation forces following a bloody nine-month war. These pictures were taken in December, 1971.

Give Guerrilla Hafiz his due recognition

Repeated failure to recognise his ultimate sacrifice is an affront to our history

Half a century gone chasing recognition

Syed Hafizur Rahman was part of a band of youths who were trained in urban guerrilla warfare to carry out covert operations and strike fear into the hearts of the Pakistan occupation army during the Liberation War.

December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023

Relevance of Munier Choudhury’s thoughts on theatre

The relevance of Munier’s work today is owing to how he related with his language, Bangla.

March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023

Remembering shaheed Rumi

His name was Shafi Imam Rumi. Born on 29 March, 1951 Rumi was barely 20 years of age in 1971. This larger-than-life character is one of many who embraced martyrdom in their attempt to gift our precious freedom. Rumi had secured third position in the matriculation exam under the national education board in 1968. In 1971, he just got admitted to BUET (Engineering College at that time) and was already enrolled into IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). Just one flight and he could have been away from the war, but Shafi Imam Rumi chose not to.

March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023

Have we been able to establish a state different from Pakistan?

Through the Liberation War of 1971, the people of this region wanted to establish a state that would not be built in the model of Pakistan. Fifty-two years later, can we say we have achieved that goal?

March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023

The unfinished fight for people’s freedom

Bangladesh was supposed to be a country run by its people, but we are dangerously moving towards a country being run by a coterie.

March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023

Stories that we tell ourselves

How should a nation memorialise its history?

March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023

The genocide of March 25 as a metaphor

Pakistan is the metaphor of everything Bangladesh doesn't want to be.

December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022

Snapshots from 1971

On this day in 1971, Bangladesh was liberated from the Pakistan occupation forces following a bloody nine-month war. These pictures were taken in December, 1971.

October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Give Guerrilla Hafiz his due recognition

Repeated failure to recognise his ultimate sacrifice is an affront to our history

October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022

Half a century gone chasing recognition

Syed Hafizur Rahman was part of a band of youths who were trained in urban guerrilla warfare to carry out covert operations and strike fear into the hearts of the Pakistan occupation army during the Liberation War.

December 15, 2019
December 15, 2019

Rajakars to face music according to crime: Law minister

Law Minister Anisul Huq says Rajakars will be brought to book according to the gravity of their crime. The law minister's comments came hours after the government published a list of 10,789 Razakars, who collaborated with the Pakistani occupation forces during the country’s Liberation War in 1971.

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