Published on 12:36 PM, January 03, 2024

Armed forces deployed ahead of Jan 7 polls

Army trucks are seen plying the streets in the capital ahead of the national election scheduled to be held on January 7. The photo has been taken around 2:00pm today. Photo: Prabir Das

Members of the armed forces have been deployed today across the country to assist the local civil administration in holding the January 7 national election in a free, fair, and peaceful manner.

The army members were seen patrolling on different city streets since morning.

The forces will assist the Election Commission and local civil administration till January 10 to ensure peace, and control law and order before, after, and during voting day, a press release sent by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said yesterday.

Army trucks seen plying the streets in the capital's Ramna area this morning. Photo: Muntakim Saad

The armed forces have been deployed "In Aid to the Civil Power" under Article 126 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, the release said.

Members of the Armed Forces will be stationed at nodal points and other convenient places in every district, upazila and metropolitan area, it said.