Anu Muhammad

The writer is member secretary of the National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports.

Nothing is normal if we don’t have our rights

To put an end to rampant authoritarianism, we have to have our rights.

8h ago

Is there a Left left in Bangladesh?

The left's agenda is global, not just national.

2w ago

Is a minimum wage offer of Tk 12,500 even logical?

It is shocking that the wage board sees it fit to approve such a meagre amount for minimum wage for RMG workers, which is a quarter of what they need just to stay above the poverty line.

A fair election is the cornerstone of democracy

It is disheartening that none of the country's ruling party leaders have so far demonstrated the courage to face the people with a credible electoral process.

Is democracy on its deathbed again?

The relationship between citizens and the nation-state is being irreparably damaged.

A country for the rich, and another for the poor

In recent years, Bangladesh has been grappling with a deepening chasm of inequality.

A gas export deal won't ensure energy security for us

Paradoxically, as the government of Bangladesh celebrates this day now, it appears to be pursuing policies that counter the original purpose.

Amid inflation, pre-elections, and dengue, Bangladesh is in a fix

All this means that the people will not see an end to their financial woes anytime soon.

January 3, 2024
January 3, 2024

Nothing is normal if we don’t have our rights

To put an end to rampant authoritarianism, we have to have our rights.

December 15, 2023
December 15, 2023

Is there a Left left in Bangladesh?

The left's agenda is global, not just national.

November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023

Is a minimum wage offer of Tk 12,500 even logical?

It is shocking that the wage board sees it fit to approve such a meagre amount for minimum wage for RMG workers, which is a quarter of what they need just to stay above the poverty line.

November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023

A fair election is the cornerstone of democracy

It is disheartening that none of the country's ruling party leaders have so far demonstrated the courage to face the people with a credible electoral process.

November 4, 2023
November 4, 2023

Is democracy on its deathbed again?

The relationship between citizens and the nation-state is being irreparably damaged.

September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023

A country for the rich, and another for the poor

In recent years, Bangladesh has been grappling with a deepening chasm of inequality.

September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023

A gas export deal won't ensure energy security for us

Paradoxically, as the government of Bangladesh celebrates this day now, it appears to be pursuing policies that counter the original purpose.

August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023

Amid inflation, pre-elections, and dengue, Bangladesh is in a fix

All this means that the people will not see an end to their financial woes anytime soon.

April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023

Spare our rivers from certain death

The condition our rivers are in right now is a threat to our existence.

April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023

Our reality versus government's narrative

Why is there so much difference between the reality of common people and that which the government wants to see or project?

push notification